P U B L I S H E D _ B O O K S
Richard's 101 Things To Do series of interactive books, published by Bloomsbury, was translated into over 20 languages. These were followed by A is for Armageddon, an illustrated book of disaster based around the periodic table. Richard's most recent book, The Modern Day Spotter's Guide, is an interactive book designed to help you spot the weird and wonderful in everyday life.
To view the books and interiors, visit the EL HORNO ETSY SHOP here
1 0 1 _T H I N G S _T O _D O _B E F O R E _Y O U _D I E
'Deliciously daft. The slim volume is a great ice-breaker,
getting people talking about aspirations and past experiences.
And if it encourages you to take up an interest like scuba diving,
it will have paid for itself many times over' Daily Express
'The most handsomely crafted book, each two-page spread
covers a single task to tick off before you pop off' Observer
T H E _M O D E R N _D A Y _S P O T T E R ' S _G U I D E
'A collection of the everyday weird and wonderful ... Tired of the dull daily commute to the office? Fed up with the endless shades of grey
of modern life?Keep your eyes peeled for cats with a moustaches,
a pigeon with one foot, an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction or
the face of Jesus in your soup ... See things a little differently. And, remember, life is in the details - don't let them pass you by.'
A _I S _F O R _A R M A G E D D O N
'An illustrated catalogue of distasters
Horne gives us humor that'
the equivalent of
the comic relief in a Shakespearean tragedy.' LA Times
'For real calamity, Horne is your man. In his
hands the means to the End become wonders to
behold ... a technicolor parade of visual metaphors.' New York Times
1 0 1 _T H I N G S _T O _D O _S E R I E S
National Geographic Kids Magazine
An absolute gem
Book of the Month –
The Truth About
Book's |
The facts in this
dinky book will give
you a head start in
the pub quiz
Big Issue
Evening Standard
The perfect stocking filler of fascinating facts
that will enable children to amaze their friends
Sunday Express |